Donations to SVUC

Why does a church need money? It helps with our mission & ministry. Money is used for our mortgage, pastoral salary, health insurance & housing allowance, office expenses, maintenance, repairs, snow removal, supplies for operation the church & services.

Food Bank

Donations to Thayne Food Bank

Monetary Donations are matched 5x's to purchase food/supplies for those in need.

Annual Fundraiser

Church members donate items of baked goods/arts/crafts or anything from the heart. We have a vivacious fun live auction for items in late summer. All funds raised go to the Women's Group for their service projects or are given to a special fund project.

Knitting Prayer Shawls

Giving your gift of time and talent

Knit prayer shawls for our church and congregation to distribute to those who need comfort, security and prayer.

Lay Leaders and Readers

Giving your gift of service

Sunday Service a Volunteer Leader helps lead the service by reading the bulletin & directing the congregation of what song or reading is next. The Reader reads the daily prayer and scripture readings to the congregation. There's a sign up in the fellowship hall for both. You'll be given the readings a few days before.

Snacks for Fellowship After Service

Giving your gift of time and talent

Provide a snack, light meal, dessert or whatever you wish for the congregation to enjoy after worship while we fellowship together.