Prayer Requests
Do you have a prayer request for yourself, family or a friend? Please Fill out the form for your prayer request.
Please note, that your prayer request will be posted &/or emailed to our church members to pray over. If you don't want specific names revealed or want to remain anonymous please indicate that. Something to think about - it is always wise to get permission, from the person who needs prayers, prior to being posted. Kindly ask them, can I put you on our prayer chain?
Woman's Group
Ladies of our Church please join us! All Are Welcome, there's always an open invitation! We meet on average once a month for fellowship and to plan who we'd like to serve with our gifts of gratitude throughout our community the following month.
Some past recipients have been:
- The Star Valley Area Snowplow Drivers (county/state/town)
- Area Law Enforcement (Sheriff's Dept/Police Dept & Wyo Highway Patrol)
- Lincoln County School Board & Admin
- Star Valley Fire Departments (Afton, Thayne, SV Ranch & staff)
- Operation Christmas Child & Thayne Elementary School Teachers & Staff
We have so many more on our list to serve. We welcome your ideas and suggestions.
Thayne Food Bank
Was started by SVUC and patrons would come to pick up their groceries at the church! It's grown so big that we couldn't store all the food. It has since been moved to the Thayne Civic Center, however it is still run by SVUC & other volunteers. Patrons pick up their groceries on Fridays from 11am-12:45pm. Veterans Hour to pick up groceries is the second Thursday of the month from 6-7pm. We are always looking for more hands to help. If you're interested in serving please contact Julie Buckley.
All monetary donations are accepted & matched 5x's! If you wish to donate to the food bank, please go to our “Offerings” section and click on Thayne Food Bank.
Radio Messages
We write & record monthly radio messages spreading the word of God offering hope and encouragement to the community. Radio messages written & given by our pastor & those in our church. If you have a desire to write or record a message please talk to a council member!
You can listen to some of our messages here
Operation Christmas Child - Samaritan's Purse
We voluntarily purchase gifts such as school supplies, small toys & hygiene supplies for the shoe boxes. We get together mid November to fill the shoeboxes from our church. We share a meal together of homemade pizza & fellowship. These shoeboxes then are picked up, boxed and shipped to children worldwide to more than 100 countries.
Christmas Families
We are given a list of anonymous families in need for their children for clothing, toys & wishes for Christmas that they may not be able to provide for their children. We chose a child & their wish or need & we purchase items & bring them back to the church unwrapped. The children & families of our church then wrap the gifts and then one of our little church angels delivers the gifts.
Greening & De-Greening of the Church (decorating for Christmas)
A team of volunteers to decorate our church in December for Christmas. We quickly put up decorations & the nativities and after we're done we have a potluck lunch & a white elephant gift exchange for fellowship & lots of laughs. In January we have a team that quickly De-greens & packs all decor up.